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Organization Profile
Greater Nashville Regional Council
https://www.gnrc.org/volunteerThe Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC) is one of nine regional development districts established by the General Assembly under the Tennessee Development District Act of 1965. GNRC, which operates as a council of governments (COG), represents 13 counties and 52 cities in Middle Tennessee. County members include Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Houston, Humphreys, Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Stewart, Sumner, Trousdale, Williamson and Wilson counties. GNRC’s mission is to assist local communities and state agencies in the development of plans and programs that guide growth and development in the most desirable, efficient, and cost-effective manner, while ensuring the continued long-term livability of the region. GNRC is governed by a regional council comprised of city mayors, county mayors/executives, state legislators, appointments representing business/industry, and appointments representing minority populations. In carrying out this mission, GNRC convenes elected leadership and local practitioners to brainstorm strategies for improving quality of life; facilities cooperative policy-making in order to prioritize state and federal investments into area social services and public infrastructure; and provides a public forum for Middle Tennesseans to shape regional decisions.